Wo trifft man wohl heutzutage am ehesten Künstler, wie Fotografen an ? Na, im World Wide Web! Auch wenn man hier kaum einen Überblick behält, gibt es dennoch Leute die mit ihrem Talent herausstechen. Ich habe mich auf die Suche nach inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten gemacht und bin fündig geworden. Joshua Parrott ist ein in London lebender Fotograf und ich durfte ihm einige Frage zu sich und sein künstlerisches Schaffen stellen.
Voilà, lest selbst.
So first of all, where are you from? Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Hello, my name is Joshua Parrott and I’m originally from Norfolk on the East Coast, but now I live in London. Photography has always been a passion of mine ever since I was young, it’s the only thing I want to do with my life, for me there is no alternative. I currently study BA Hons Photography at University Of East London, which I hold as a massive personal achievement considering on what was going on in my personal life during the year leading up to the start of University. Apart from Uni I have a few collaborative side projects in the works, unfortunately I cant reveal any more information about that.
What is your photography about?
Unless I am working to a brief, my work always varies in subject. It ranges from projects I set myself, often visiting and shooting chosen locations. I carry at least one camera with me at all times, I normally have my Olympus Trip 35, my Canon Sureshot or my Fujifilm X-PRO1, and where ever I go I shoot photographs. Sometimes one roll of 35mm film can contain images that were taken weeks apart, its almost kind of a documentation on where I’ve been around London. I shoot mostly on the streets and on the London Underground, if not I’m shooting 35mm whilst hanging out with friends, I’m basically documenting what happens in my day to day life.
“I normally have mad plans in my head if I’ve had a smoke, but I often forget about them the next day”.
How do you get inspirations? Who are your inspirations?
I normally have mad plans in my head if I’ve had a smoke, but I often forget about them the next day. I get my inspirations from various books and blogs, Street Photography Now is a big inspiration from me, it celebrates all the sub genres of street photography and has inspired my to take my own work in different directions. The work of Bill Cunningham, Robert Polidori, And David Bailey are massive inspirations for me. I’m using University as a big inspiration, I’m getting the chance to try out new techniques and processes and experiment with different ideas. However street photography and documentary photography have always inspired me, my style follows along those lines but it is developing the more I try new things!
Danke Joshua für deine Zeit!
Mehr Bilder von Joshua gibt es zu sehen auf Flickr